Increase or Decrease a number Using the Percentage #PERCENTAGE FORMULA IN EXCEL HOW TO# Let us assume that you are running a company, and you want to give a 15% hike to all your employees. Let us enter the hike percentage in a new column next to the salary column. Updated Salary = Existing Salary * ( 1 + Percentage of Hike ) Now, apply the following formula to get the updated salary.
Now, this formula will work only for one row. To apply the same to all the rows, just drag the cell as shown below. Updated Salary = Existing Salary * ( 1 - Percentage of decrement) Similarly, if you need to calculate the decrement, you can make a minor modification to the formula as shown below. With that, you have reached the end of this 'One-Stop Solution to Calculate Percentage in Excel' tutorial. Looking forward to a career as a Business Analyst? Check out the Business Analytics Certification Training with Excel and get certified today. 'Page Setup in Excel' can be your next stop.